We have something special for you. As we continue to celebrate the one year existence of Heimdal, we’re glad to release an alternative version of song ‘Forest Dweller’, featuring internationally acclaimed composer and virtuoso cellist Jo Quail,...
We can’t believe it’s already been a year since we released our album ‘Heimdal’. The ride of this release has been insane and we want to thank each and every one of you who joined us and supported us on this magnificent journey.As a token of our gratitude and in...
Today is the Winter Solstice, a significant day in the Pagan calendar marking the symbolic death and rebirth of the Sun. In the Northern Hemisphere it is the single day of the year with the longest period of night, with the days after becoming...
In March next it is happening; we are going to tour Europe + UK! Enslaved will be hitting the road, together with Wayfarer and Svalbard. We will visit 10 different countries and play in 16 different venues. Tickets are on sale now! Due to events and circumstances...
Today we celebrate the worldwide release of Heimdal with our “Heimhug”. We want to express our gratitude for all the positive feedback so far. We hope that you’ll enjoy the record, now that you’re holding your physical copies in your hands or can listen to the album...